Last modified on January 8th, 2020 at 9:40 am

Things to Know About Legionnaires’ Disease

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An infection caused by the bacteria, which is known as legionella, is known as the Legionnaires’ disease. This disease was named after an outbreak of 1976 during the American legion convention of Philadelphia. This bacterium was responsible for causing pneumonia. Around 8000 people are hospitalized almost every year with this disease, as stated by the centers for disease control and prevention. However, you need to understand that the total number of infections can be higher because most of the cases are not reported and diagnosed. 

How is the disease spread?

The disease is spread through air and water. Vapor and mist, which are contaminated with bacteria, can come from cooling towers, whirlpool spas, and water, which are used for bathing and drinking. This illness can happen anytime but most commonly, it affects individuals during the summer season as well as the early fall season. Automobile air conditioners, as well as window air conditioners, do not allow this bacterium to grow and spread from one person to another. 

Symptoms associated

The bacteria are capable of triggering pneumonia, which can lead to the inflammation of the lungs. The symptoms are responsible for including high fever, muscle pain, headaches, chills, and cough. These symptoms can appear almost fourteen days after the body is exposed to bacteria. There are several other causes associated with pneumonia and this is one of the most important reasons as to why diagnosing Legionnaires’ disease can be difficult. 

Analyses of phlegm, urine, and blood, as well as chest x-rays, are responsible for showing evidence of the deadly bacteria. In certain cases, the bacteria can be responsible for causing mild infections as opposed to serious ones. This condition is known as Pontiac fever. This fever also lasts for around 5 days and no pneumonia is there. This condition can lead to headaches, muscle pain, and fever, and all these symptoms go away. 

Less than 5% of those people who have been exposed to bacteria are responsible for developing Legionnaires’ disease. Of almost 20 people who are becoming ill from this condition, one out of every six people will lose their lives, according to the CDC statistics. Tests for Legionnaires’ disease include condensation, and an ideal condenser is used for this. 

Who have the risks of getting infected?

People will develop the disease if they are above 65 years of age, have lung diseases or have an extremely weak immune system, as stated by the National Institutes of Health. 

Treatment of Legionnaires’ disease

Several antibiotics are prescribed by doctors for treating Legionnaires’ disease. This is one of the most uncommon infections but outbreaks can occur if the water sources are contaminated. You must keep yourself protected and get the necessary vaccinations to make sure that you are staying protected. According to, eating matcha vegans can keep you healthy as well. 

In case if you feel that you are infected, it is suggested that you visit your healthcare professionals immediately. Also, make sure that you are consuming a proper diet so that even if you get the infection, your body can fight and get rid of it. 

Conclusion Legionnaires’ disease can be extremely harmful if you are not staying protected. Make sure that you know all about the disease so that you can take the necessary precautions.