Last modified on March 12th, 2022 at 10:18 am

Get An Eco-Friendly Kitchen With These Awesome Sustainable Products

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Looking for ways to have an eco-friendly kitchen? These amazing sustainable products will make both your kitchen and your life greener! Click here to learn more.

The United States is making more waste than ever before. We made almost 270 million tons of the stuff back in 2017!

That, according to the same source, amounts to roughly 4.5 pounds made by each of us every day.

As you might imagine, that makes America something of a world-leader in terms of waste production. Clearly, there’s never been a greater need to live an eco-friendlier lifestyle.

And creating an eco-friendly kitchen can help you do exactly that!

Indeed, think of all the food and packaging you throw away each day in your kitchen. Changing our wasteful ways in this key room of the house ensures we live a greener and eco-friendlier existence overall. Sound good?

Well, filling your shelves with sustainable products is the perfect place to start. Read on for a selection of eco-friendly items that’d make ideal additions to any kitchen!

Reusable Napkins

One of the key tricks to living a greener life at home is to use reusable kitchen products.

Cloth napkins provide a perfect example.

They’re the opposite of paper alternatives, which you use once and throw away. Instead, you can keep them for years, washing them between uses to ensure everything stays clean and sanitary.

An added incentive to buying cloth napkins is the money you save in doing so. Think about the paper ones you’ve been using for years. Chucking them in the trash is literally like throwing money away!

Oh, and don’t forget the stunning designs they can come in! Find a beautiful set of reusable napkins and you create an attractive addition to your tabletops too.

Reusable Bowl Covers

Let’s face it, as cheap and versatile as it is, saran wrap isn’t what you’d call eco-friendly!

It’s more single-use stuff that gets balled up and discarded in droves. Worse still, it’s made from plastic, which takes years to break down and damages the environment in the process. Throw in the energy and resources required to make it, and saran wrap’s best avoided.

Look to reusable bowl covers as a handy nonplastic food storage alternative! These clever little items work in much the same way: you place them over bowls/plates to keep your leftovers fresh.

This time, though, you don’t have to throw anything away when you take off the cover. Give them a rinse, or put them through the laundry, and they’ll be good to use over and over again.

Beeswax Food Wraps

Beeswax food wraps are even eco-friendlier than that!

Those reusable bowl covers are awesome and tick many of the right boxes in terms of sustainability. However, they’re made from synthetic materials that wouldn’t break down easily if you ever threw them out.

Beeswax covers don’t suffer that problem. They serve exactly the same purpose but are made from organic materials instead. They’re reusable, biodegradable, and highly functional too.

Mason Jars

Another key component of creating a greener eco-friendly kitchen is cutting down on plastic usage. Why? Because this ubiquitous material causes a huge number of environmental problems.

For one thing, the plastic packaging we’ve come to rely upon isn’t always recyclable. Instead, it goes straight into the trash and to the landfill, where it can sit for centuries. Using less plastic in the kitchen is a great way to tackle such issues.

In doing so, though, you make certain core kitchen processes more difficult! For example, most of us use plastic containers in which to store food. Get rid of the plastic without finding a replacement and your food will go off far sooner.

Mason jars are a more sustainable option that can help.

These glass jars are nothing fancy. However, they’re durable, effective containers that have a rugged aesthetic appeal too. Put everything from your home-made morning smoothies to your breakfast cereal in them! It’ll all stay fresh, tasty, and protected in the process. 

Stainless Steel Lunchboxes

The best sustainable products in the kitchen are strong, versatile, and easy to clean. That way, you can guarantee they’ll stand the test of time.

Stainless steel containers fit that description perfectly.

On the hunt for a new lunch box?

Why not forgo the classic plastic option for a stainless steel alternative? You’ll end up with a durable container that’s well-suited to the rigors of daily life. Even better, it’s a hygienic material that’s a breeze to clean by hand or in the dishwasher.

Reusable Coffee Cups

We love a good cup of java as much as the next person.

But there’s no denying that coffee-drinkers have some environmental explaining to do! A mind-blowing number of single-use coffee cups get thrown away every day.

It’s an incredible shame- especially when you realize how many amazing reusable alternatives are available these days. Sure, there’s a lot of variety. In general, though, these cups are sturdy, insulating, and leak-proof.

This one-time purchase means you’ll never rely on single-use cups for your morning caffeine hit again! The environment’s sure to thank you for it.

Eco-Friendly Dish Washing Soap

Classic dishwashing liquid isn’t great for the environment either.

It’s often full of stuff that can do harm to your health and the world! Phosphate, for example, is particularly common and can lead to problematic algal blooms in waterways.

Eco-friendly soaps suffer no such issues.

They’re safe, natural, and smell/function just as good as others! Why not go one step further and purchase equivalent products for washing clothes and surfaces?

It’s something of a win-win. You sacrifice very little on the practical side and make a significant environmental difference!

Time to Create Your Eco-Friendly Kitchen

It’s time for a change as far as the environment goes.

With waste production at an all-time high and global warming causing more trouble than ever before, we all need to do our bit to make a difference!

And working hard to create an eco-friendly kitchen space is a great place to start. Hopefully, the reusable products and eco-friendly items in this post will help you do it.

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