Last modified on November 25th, 2020 at 12:25 am

7 Eco-friendly Ways to Get Rid of Insects In Your Garden

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There is nothing better than having a private garden. Working on it makes us understand the farmers and genuinely appreciate their work and the organic food that they grow for us. It is especially challenging to cope with weather problems, weeds, and insects if you want to use only natural fertilizers and plant care products. However, don’t let the eco-friendly pest control scare you.

This method is getting more popular every day due to easiness and product availability. In this article, I will tell you how to deal with different pests naturally, so follow it to learn about how to get rid of roaches, ants, flies, and other pesky creeping problems.

Natural & Homemade Insecticides

1. Oil insecticide

A homemade insecticide made from vegetable oil mixed with mild soap will help you to eliminate insects such as aphids, ticks, thrips, etc. To make it, take a glass of vegetable oil and mix it with one tablespoon of soap. When you are ready to use the product, add two teaspoons of the resulting mixture to one liter of water, shake well and spray directly on the surface of plants that suffer from pest invasion.

2. Soap insecticide

This easy soap spray is also useful in combating ticks, aphids, whiteflies, bugs, and other insects. Dissolve half a teaspoon of mild liquid soap in a liter of water and spray the mixture directly onto the infected plants. The soap spray insecticide acts as a pesticide with an oil spray and can be used as needed (it is better to use it in the evenings or early mornings).

3. Neem oil insecticide

The oil obtained from the seeds of a neem tree is a powerful natural insecticide that can disrupt the life cycle of insects at all stages (adults, larvae, and eggs), which makes it an excellent resource for the gardener. Neem oil works as a hormone disintegrator and as an “antidote” for insects that feed on leaves and other parts of plants. The oil is biodegradable and non-toxic to domestic animals, birds, fish, and other wild animals. It is also effective against many common pests and is a natural fungicide that can fight powdery mildew and other fungal infections on plants.

You can find it in many garden stores or organic food markets. To use neem oil as an insecticide, either follow the instructions on the bottle or prepare the mix yourself: use one teaspoon of neem oil per one liter of water.

4. Diatomaceous earth as a natural pesticide

This natural substance with a somewhat bulky name is produced from sedimentary rock formed by fossilized algae (diatoms). Diatomaceous earth is said to make up 26% of the earth’s crust by weight! It can act as a natural insecticide.

It does not work by poisoning or strangling insects. Still, instead, due to its abrasive properties and its ability to absorb lipids from an exoskeleton of insects, it essentially dehydrates them to death. Diatomaceous earth is often available in garden stores. To apply it, sprinkle the crumbs around your plants. For the most effective result, use it after every rain or after watering the garden.

5. Garlic or chili spray

Garlic is well known for the pungent aroma that repels insects and allows it to be used as a natural insecticide. Chili pepper has similar properties as well. These products are great for eliminating insects in the garden.

To make an essential garlic spray, take two whole cloves, smash them in a blender or food processor with some water (200ml is enough). Leave the mixture overnight, then strain and add about half a glass of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of mild liquid soap. To use this homemade insecticide, use one cup of the mixture in one liter of water and spray on infected plants. You can make a chili spray using the same algorithm.

6. All-in-one spray

This is also a natural insecticide, which is prepared according to the principle: the more, the better. To cook it, take one clove of garlic and one small onion, add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder and let it brew for an hour. Strain the mixture and add one tablespoon of liquid soap, and mix everything well. Spray it on the entire upper surface of the leaves, keep the remains in the refrigerator.

7. Tomato insecticide

The most unexpected member of this list. Tomatoes belong to the family of nightshade plants and contain alkaloids that can effectively stain with aphids and other insects. To make a tomato spray, chop two cups of fresh tomato leaves (which can be taken from the bottom of the plant) and mix them with one liter of water. After this, let the suspension brew overnight. Strain and spray it on the plants in the morning.

This article is provided by Nicholas Martin, the ACE-certified pest control consultant and leading writer of Pestcontrolhacks.

Nicholas Martin is a professional entomologist and pest exterminator who dedicated more than 25 years to studying and dealing with both urban and agricultural pests.