Last modified on August 16th, 2021 at 3:44 am

How Can Decarbonization Companies Play a Major Role in Decarbonizing the Economy?

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While caring for the environment, we are not only safeguarding our health but also the future of the generations to come. A stable and clean environment is possibly the most thoughtful gift that we can give to our future generations. Slowly, in the past decades, the world has witnessed the formation of a global environmental movement. Countries have enthusiastically come together to bring about a change. Amidst all the efforts and awareness, decarbonization companies are constantly pushing their boundaries and largely contributing to net-zero emissions targets while encouraging other businesses to do the same. 

So, what do we mean by decarbonization, and what do these decarbonization companies do?

The basic definition of decarbonization is – lowering the emission of carbon and greenhouse gases from multiple resources. Even though this process was not very popular before, it is rapidly gaining momentum in recent years. What we need to understand is that every industry has a different level of carbon emissions, which largely depends on the nature of their industrial operations. Efficient decarbonization companies understand this larger vision and are equipped with enough knowledge, resources, and technological expertise to help industries rework their energy systems.

Iron, steel, chemicals, plastics, and cement –these industries alone are responsible for roughly 55 percent of industrial emissions, and the top 10 leading industries are responsible for roughly 90 percent of total industrial emissions. Decarbonization of industries will single-handedly improve the quality of air by a drastic margin, and this is the reason why leading industry owners and decarbonization companies are voluntarily inclining towards it. 

Here are some decarbonization solutions that can help us achieve a sustainable future:

  1. Increased digitization 
  2. Integrated platforms
  3. Supply chain decarbonization
  4. Stepping up and taking initiative
  5. Integrated platforms

Decarbonizing industries is not an easy task. However, industry owners are steadily understanding the need for it and are looking into better ways of functioning. They must review their sites, plant rooms, energy systems, machinery, and other resources to take a deep scan of gases that are emitted on an everyday basis. Industrial sites usually have a long life, and everything about an industrial space is set in its ways for years; bringing in changes in its primary ways of operations can lead to complexities and confusion.

Therefore, they must collaborate with decarbonization companies for leveraging services, strategies, and technology. Furthermore, collaborations and timely action can speed up the development of low-carbon or decarbonization technologies and strategies for industries, helping synchronize the transformation of the industrial sectors. 

One of the major switches that industrial decarbonization needs to make is to change the nature of the energy systems. Highly damaging energy sources should be replaced by renewable sources of energy like solar power. Not only will it reduce carbon emissions, but it will also ensure that the industry does not have to pay heavy amounts for its energy sources. 

The cost of these implantations might be a little on the expensive side, but the results will surely be much more beneficial and cost-effective. Industries and societies have to unite and envision the same future to attain a sustainable future. Even though the capitalistic structure of most countries only calls for personal profit, a little mindfulness and awareness will take our planet a long way.