Last modified on March 13th, 2020 at 12:28 pm
4 Unexpected Ways Climate Change Will Affect Your Health
Climate change is bringing a whole host of changes to our planet: hotter summers, colder winters, more rainfall… The list goes on. But how will climate change impact our health? Read on to find out.
More diseases carried by organisms
The long, hot summers caused by climate change will create the perfect habitat for disease-carrying organisms. Combined with increased rainfall in some places, creatures like ticks and mosquitoes will thrive.
These organisms often carry a variety of diseases, such as Lyme disease, the West Nile virus, typhus, and even malaria. The number of cases of tick-borne diseases has increased in recent years, and will only shoot up further as our climate changes.
While there are jabs available to prevent these diseases from taking hold after a bite, their resistance may increase as time goes on. Consequently, prevention is the best defense. Check yourself thoroughly after any walks through high grass and use repellent on your body and possessions too. The same applies for your pets too — make sure you keep your pets tick-free during long walks to stop them from spreading ticks into the house.
Increased outbreaks of acne
As the name suggests, climate change will lead to huge transformations in the weather patterns we experience. Depending on the time of year and region, the climate may get more dry and humid, or it might get colder.
Consequently, those prone to acne may find themselves experiencing more frequent and severe breakouts. While this won’t impact everyone, acne sufferers may find their acne getting worse and more prolonged during this period.
Thankfully, there are plenty of effective acne treatments available to help combat these breakouts. Duac gel, for instance, is a popular treatment available on prescription from your doctor.
But before you head to your nearest pharmacy for acne treatments, it’s worth doing your research first. Duac gel’s side effects, as outlined by The Independent Pharmacy, can include peeling skin and a burning sensation in the affected area, which will be exacerbated by the worse weather.
Higher frequency of heart issues
Global warming will lead to an increase in the number of heatwaves we experience. Plus, as greenhouse gases build up, the planet’s temperature will increase and pollution levels will increase.
Studies show that higher levels of pollution lead to a spike in heart issues. Hotter temperatures may also lead to worse heart health overall by decreasing the regularity with which hearts beat, which can lead to heart attacks.
As a result, it’s more important than ever for individuals to take care of their hearts. Regular exercise, a Mediterranean diet, and cutting down on tobacco and alcohol all go a long way towards a healthy, happy heart.
Higher pollen counts leading to more allergies
As our climate changes, the warmer weather, combined with milder winters, will lead to increased pollen production.
Scientists predict that plants will begin producing pollen much earlier than usual. As a result, the pollen count will shoot up, which in turn will lead to more frequent and prolonged allergies.
Wary hayfever sufferers should prepare in advance. Official guidance on hayfever advises that you wash your hands and bed linen often, wear wraparound sunglasses, and keep windows closed during the peak pollen season.
Climate change is here and the world will never be the same again — all we can do is prepare for it. Follow the tips listed above to keep yourself and your family healthy as the world changes.