Last modified on March 29th, 2023 at 8:38 am

What Is Meant by Zero Carbon City?

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The impact of climate change and carbon emissions spans the whole planet. To counter it efficiently, we need solutions that produce effects at a large scale. This is the reason why zero carbon cities are being considered a viable solution by many governments and organizations.

In this blog, we are going to discuss what is a zero carbon city and the pillars upon which such a city is built.

What Is a Zero Carbon City?

A zero carbon city is a city that produces energy as much or more than what it consumes. The energy must be produced from a renewable source and the production process should also be carbon-free. Zero carbon cities are part of a green movement that focuses on controlling our carbon emissions. Some other similar parts of this movement are zero energy buildings and building decarbonization.

Building a zero carbon city consists of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, making sustainable lifestyle changes, using energy from renewable sources, deploying efficient urban design, and balancing carbon emissions with the help of carbon sequestration.

Infrastructure of a Zero Carbon City

The infrastructure of any urban city includes managing energy, water, food, shelter, and so on. Similarly, the infrastructure of a zero carbon city also includes the following essential components:

1. Energy

The renewable sources of energy must supersede non-renewable sources of energy in a zero carbon city. This is why solar power and wind power are the most common sources of energy in zero carbon cities. Along with that, one also needs a net-zero carbon electricity grid as the foundation for energy use and distribution.

2. Transport

Transportation requires a lot of fossil fuel combustion that ultimately leads to carbon emissions. In fact, it is estimated to contribute about 20 percent of the total greenhouse gas emissions.

Zero carbon cities must have improved public transit and lesser fossil-fuel based transportation. They should also create mixed-use development areas so that people can work and shop near their homes.

3. Waste and Energy Exchange

Waste in zero carbon cities is managed with the help of disposal, energy recovery, treatment, and recycling efforts. A process known as urban industrial symbiosis is deployed in such cities in which by-product of one area is used to advantage another area. For example, the safe waste produced from factories can be used to heat residential homes.

4. Green Infrastructure

As the name reveals, green infrastructure consists of urban agriculture, private gardens, public parks and so on. Its main purpose is to control the harmful effects of carbon emissions as planting trees and plants are the only natural method of removing carbon dioxide from the environment.

5. Production of Food

The modern processes of food production require a high amount of fossil fuel burning. The power needed by agricultural equipment, the making of nitrogen fertilizers, and transiting food from one place to another, all these processes need fossil fuel burning.

Zero carbon cities control carbon emissions by encouraging people to eat plant-based foods that are produced locally, reducing food waste, and promoting companies with smaller carbon footprints.

Summing It Up

A zero carbon city uses all the ideas and policies that individuals and organizations adopt to reduce their carbon footprint. This includes using green renewable energy, promoting public transport, planting trees, and reducing carbon footprint in every way possible.

You can reduce your organization’s carbon footprint by methods such as the decarbonization of buildings or increasing energy efficiency. You can also collaborate with a reputed electrical brand to make sure that you are investing your time and effort in the right place.