Last modified on September 21st, 2023 at 5:26 pm
4 Tips for an Eco-friendlier Garden
A garden itself is naturally a great way to help and connect with the environment. You may think that by simply having a garden and maintaining it, you are promoting a more positive eco-friendly system. Nevertheless, there will always be ways you can improve the eco-friendly aspects of your outside space, so if you are looking to optimize your garden in this way, here are 4 tips to help you.
Help Your Local Wildlife
Gardens are perfect for attracting local wildlife and for helping wherever you can. By planting more flowers and plants which attract the likes of bees and butterflies, as well as providing bird nests and bird feed to encourage more activity in your garden, you will be helping the environment and your wildlife neighbors.
If you want to take it one step further, you could even look at keeping a beehive or building dens or homes for other wildlife such as hedgehogs.
For more extensive gardens with more plants and flowers, be sure to set up a water system that you can use for the hotter, drier days when your garden needs watering. A water system set up with an air valve will also help it to work more efficiently.
Grow Your Own Food
This will benefit both your own healthy diet and the environment itself. Even the smallest efforts will help, even if it is only growing your own fruit or a couple of vegetables. Decide what you would like to grow, such as a vegetable patch, herb garden, or more, and develop your gardening and food-growing skills.
You have the option of planting fruit trees in your garden to grow your own source of healthy fruit.
Make Your Own Compost and Fertilizer
You can make your own compost from your garden by utilizing the very waste from your house, thereby reducing food waste and giving back to the environment. Set up your own compost bin in your outside space to be able to freely make your own compost when needed. Waste items such as fruit peels and eggshells will be able to be used for your own compost build. This waste material will decompose over time. You can also combine with waste from your garden, too.
Leftover food and weeds can also be used to make your own garden fertilizer, too. This provides a natural helping hand for the items in your eco-friendly garden to grow.
Think More Carefully About Waste Material
When you are trying to improve your garden, it is easy to want it as maintained and tidy as possible. This means you may automatically sweep up old leaves or get rid of loose twigs or other waste garden items. However, if you think more carefully about how you are tidying your garden, you can be more eco-aware. Old leaves and branches can easily be stored in the corner of the garden to provide a home for animals, and eventually, once decomposed, can be used as fertilizer. Allowing your garden to be a little less–maintained, too, will create a better home for any wildlife you would like to attract into your space.