Last modified on February 2nd, 2021 at 9:06 am
Safe Dog Grooming: A Guide
Did you know that some grooming tasks pose danger to the dog (and you as well, sometimes) if they aren’t done right? If no, it’s great that you opened this article, because in it, we are going to focus on safety of dog grooming. It’s not something most of us give a lot of thought to, but that’s exactly why we need to talk about safe dog grooming. Having this knowledge will only help you do a better job next time you pick up a brush or a bottle of shampoo.
Is Your Grooming Schedule Right?
First and foremost, you need to have an appropriate schedule for grooming. Do certain things too often – you can end up harming the dog’s health. Overlook and neglect other grooming tasks for too long – they might feel tremendous discomfort.
So, you need to establish a schedule and repeat it. Find out how often your dog needs brushing, since it depends on the hair and the breed. Don’t bathe (with shampoos, etc.) more than once a month, clip the nails regularly, etc.
Use Safe Tools
It might not cross your mind that often, but you might not necessarily be using the safest tools for the job. It’s especially apparent when you talk about nail grinding and trimming. Clippers are probably equally or even more popular than grinders. But if you want to know how to cut black dog nails safely or how to trim them without any chance of hurting the pet, you have to get a grinder.
Have a similar mindset when grooming not just the nails, but doing everything else. If the dog is hurt during grooming, no surprise that he or she would not want to do it all over again. Make sure that the tools you’re using are certified, not worn out and are properly maintained. Otherwise you’re looking at
Go Slow
Don’t rush too much. Dogs hate rushing and you will definitely fail to do a good job if you don’t stick to an appropriate pace. What you need to do before grooming is comfort and help the pup to relax. Give them treats and don’t try to do forceful or sudden tricky movements. This will unnerve or excite the dog too much and you won’t be able to do the job. What you want is a happy, calm and still dog. Use treats, rubs and kind words to achieve it.
Set Up Enough Space
If you want more safety, you have to have a good environment for work. You mustn’t groom the dog in a cramped or tight space. Proper lighting is also very important since tick-spotting, toothbrushing and nail trimming require good vision and visual clarity. Thus, do it in a well-lit area. There are also special dog grooming tables that you can look into. It reduces the need for floor space and simplifies grooming.
Rules Differ For Large And Small Dogs
Large and small breeds are different, not just in scale, but in character too. Thus, your approach should differ. Large dogs, despite their more imposing stature, could be a lot easier to groom. Why? Because they’re more eager to please and less independent thinkers which is how most smaller breeds are often described.
But, larger dogs also are more likely to have more and thicker coats, tougher nails, more tartar on their teeth, etc. This is why you need to select appropriate gear. For example – if you want to groom a German Shepherd, you need a large breed dog nail grinder. There are, of course, versatile devices out in the market, but you want something that won’t make you work twice as long for the same result. You want efficient tools, suited for big doggies.